Shouldn't biblical ideology drive our educational methods? People can pervert any biblical method of education, just as God can bring beauty out of ashes. But the biblical method would NOT be to choose ashes; that is tempting God. A parent is wise to study what God has to say on the matter of education and parent-child relations, pray for wisdom to understand, and see which method(s) or variants thereof best fit his sincere understanding of scripture.

With regard to public education, nearly everyone I meet whose child goes to a government school has convinced himself that his child's school is different (in a good way, of course) from all the others.

If parent believes public education is the right choice, I would strongly encourage him to set some boundaries (i.e. I will compromise to this line, but no farther). A friend recently told me about her children going to school with cats--indeed, more than a handful of children now identify as cats, and have sprouted tails, cat ears, and other cat attributes. No one has any authority to tell these cats they are not cats, and so the choir had strong mix of cats, boys and girls blending in song. Thankfully, it is the highest rated, blue ribbon district in the state, which makes up for its lack of knowledge in genetics, biology, and other such trivial topics.

“To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”

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